Harrow Green Community Library is proud to announce we have published a collection of short stories and poems written by members of our Creative Writing Group.Buzzwords is the product of seven months’ hard work by writers from our two Creative Writing Groups. Launched in January 2015, as part of our Lottery-funded activities, a monthly daytime and evening writing group brought together new and experienced writers to hone skills, share ideas and develop talent.
The achievement of this publication in such a short time frame is a credit to the hard and focused work of all participants, the guidance of facilitators Tom de Ferry and David Gardiner, and the good will and support of all involved. Copies of Buzzwords are available to buy from Harrow Green Community Library at £5, or you can buy it online at Lulu.com.
Copies are also available to borrow from Harrow Green Community Library and Waltham Forest Libraries.
Our Lottery funding for the Creative Writing Group has now ended, but we are continuing meeting on a monthly basis. For details, see Creative Writing Group.