During these challenging times, our library has embraced the abundant Open Access (OA) and free resources made available by publishers and platform providers around the world. And oh, what digital treasures we have found! Over the past few weeks we have showcased some of these resources to you. But in case it has been hard to keep track of what’s on offer, here is a round up – including for some, trial expiry dates.
To the best of our knowledge all of these websites offer legal content. If you find a site listed here that you suspect infringes copyright, please contact us so we may remove the link. Don’t forget to save this page, we’ll be updating it periodically. If you have information about any other community support initiatives, please feel free to share in the comments.
RomanceBookCloud – Available until 10/08/20
A collection of romance novels including award winners and best sellers.
Project Gutenberg
Mostly older literary works which are no longer in copyright. But as every book worm can tell you, every book is new if you have not read it yet!
Oxford Learner’s Bookshelf – Available until 31st August 2020
148 free graded readers to help improve English Language skills.
Collins Connect
Access to 330+ Collins Big Cat graded readers to support reader development
(Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk Password: Parents20!)
Unite for Literacy
A wonderful collection of eBooks covering many topics that reach different cultures, backgrounds and languages. Many titles are narrated in a variety of language including English for emergent readers and speakers.
TumbleBook Library -Available until 31/08/20
Includes unique animated picture books and read-along chapter books. Ideal for Years 1-6.
TeenBookCloud -Available until 31/08/20
Includes graphic novels, enhanced e-books with full audio narration and highlighted text and classic literature. Ideal for Years 8-12
TumbleMath – -Available until 31/08/20
An effective way to teach math concepts, especially to reluctant learners by using stories and literature.
Oxford Owl
Early Learning library with 100’s of Oxford Reading Tree titles.
Britannica eBooks
Covers top curriculum subjects, including science, math, government, health, & history. (Username – freebritannica / Password – ebooks)
ABDO Elementary Digital / Abdo Secondary Digital – Available until 30/07/20
Whether your child is looking for a how to craft book, an entertaining story, or to learn new facts about the world around them, Abdo Digital Bookshelf has them covered. Free digital content through July 2020.
A wonderful streaming library of animated children’s storybooks. (Parents -1 month trial/ Teachers – 1 year trial)
Department for Education’s Approved Platform for practising reading. Contains a vast array a library of books that listen to children as they read aloud and allows adults to track progress and identify where the most support is needed. (3 months free with no obligation)
MyON – Renaissance Learning – Available until 31/08/20
Access to thousands of enhanced digital books with audio support who children who follow the Accelerated Reader programme. (Username: harrow968student / Password: Read)
A self publishing platform with free access to over 2500 novels across all genres
Scholastic BookFlix – Available until 31/08/20
A digital literacy resource that pairs more than 120 animated stories with a best-selling nonfiction e-book from Scholastic on a similar subject. The fiction and nonfiction pairings are designed to strengthen early literacy skills while exposing young learners to real world concepts. (Username: Learning20 / Password: Clifford)
Scholastic TrueFlix – Available until 31/08/20
Non-fiction literacy resource that leverages Scholastic’s award-winning True Book series with related video content. (Username: Learning20 / Password: Clifford)
Scholastic ScienceFlix – Available until 31/08/20
For children interested in learning more about science. It includes topics like earth science, life science, space, technology, and more. (Username: Learning20 / Password: Clifford)
Scholastic Watch & Learn Library – Available until 31/08/20
Access to more than 200 nonfiction videos with real-world footage. Builds knowledge on all curriculum topics (Username: Learning20 / Password: Clifford)
uLibrary Digital – Available until 31/07/20
Provides unabridged Audiobooks by bestselling authors, mainly from the UK.
AudioBookCloud – Available until 31/07/20
Instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across eight different languages
Audible Stories – Available until 31/07/20
Audio Books For children including titles across eight different languages
Public domain texts, read by volunteers from all over the world.
RNIB Audio Library
Access to over 31,000 fiction and non fiction books for adults and children with a visual impairment.