Using the Catalogue
For inspiration, check out our Reviews page. The library now has over 5000 items donated by individuals and supporters and has a particularly rich collection of adult and children’s fiction.
Click the links below to find out more about the catalogue features:
Searching the catalogue
Use the search bar at the top of the screen to find items by Title, Author, Keywords or Subject.
If you do not know the exact spelling of what you are looking for, try using Keywords to help broaden your search results.
You can also use the Advanced Search feature to create a more specific query or browse items by particular categories.
The results of your search can be filtered using the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the screen to narrow down the list of items.
Signing in
To renew or reserve items you need to sign in to your library account.
By default your Username is set to your surname folllowed by your first name with no space (e.g. smithjohn), and your PIN will be your four digit membership number. Please contact us if you require a password reminder or reset.
Once logged in you will be able to request a renewal of any items you currently have out on loan.
On your account page tick the items that you would like to renew and click Renew Selected Items.
Books renewals will not show in your account straight away. The renewal request will be sent to us and a member of staff will either accept or deny the request. You will then receive an email to confirm if your request has been approved.
There is a limit set to five online renewals, at which point you may be asked to visit the library in person. A request for renewal may also be denied if someone else has reserved the same title. At which point you will be asked to return the book to the library as soon as possible.
If you find an item in our catalogue that you would like to borrow you can reserve it by clicking the Reserve button on the item’s page. You need to be signed in to your account to be able to reserve items.
You will be notified by email when the item is ready to be collected from the library. Some items will be available immediately, others might need to be retrieved from storage or may already be on loan to another member.
If you are interested in an item but aren’t ready to reserve it you can use the Add to Book Bin button to save it to your book bin list.
If you can’t find the book you want…
We are regularly adding items to the library collection, but if you would like to enquire about a title not currently available on the catalogue, please use our contact form to send us a question or stock suggestion!
Sessions are held monthly, on the first Saturday of the month, from 2pm until 4pm, at the Epicentre. Refreshments are served during the sessions.