Online Book Club

Keen to share that novel you’ve been avidly reading? Want to meet fellow bookworms and find out what they’ve been delving into?
Meeting last Monday of each month, 11.30am – 1pm.
Sessions are held monthly, on the first Saturday of the month, from 2pm until 4pm, at the Epicentre. Refreshments are served during the sessions.
Then why not join us in our new monthly book club for adults – a great opportunity to share stories, have some fun and make new friends!
This is a FREE online event which begins on Saturday 12th June between 2-3pm and continues on the second Saturday of every month.
Our very own book-loving volunteer Sholape will facilitate this group with us, focusing the first session on the theme of ‘change’.
Everyone is welcome and the beauty of being online means this can be from anywhere in the world – all you need is access to Zoom!
If you are interested in joining please register for your date(s) on eventbrite.
A link to join the video call will be emailed to participants on the morning of each meeting.
If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact us.